Our name, Takathemba comes from Takalani which means ‘Happiness’ and themba comes from i’Themba which means hope. Our heartfelt desire is to bring happiness, hope and a good future to the needy children of South Africa.
Current Projects
Are you interested in becoming a member? Then you are at the right place. You could support takathemba actively OR financially. We appreciate any form of help. Further infos here
The Idea

Association chairwoman Debbie Jenne began supporting needy children in South Africa long before the association was founded. The South African knows about the great need in her home country.
Her parents lived and worked in a children’s home in the slums of Johannesburg. Having lived in South Africa, Debbie knows first hand of how children suffer in poverty.
Our Associaton
The aim of our non-profit association is to make people aware of the fate of children.
Since the founding of this association, the donations we get have been fully used in the planned projects.
This means the children we support have the full benefit of all donations we receive.
Latest Projects
The substitute mothers (our workers) visit the orphans‘ households and show them how to grow vegetables. Read more here
Shopping and doing good at the same time …
Is that possible? Yes! Whether you are looking for a gift for someone or want to do something good for yourself, just take a look at bildungsspender.de
There you will find a large selection of online shopping portals. With your purchase, the association receives a commission on the value you buy. The prices for you as a customer remain unchanged!